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Monday, February 3, 2014

Airing Date: February 4, 2014

SO if you miss the previous episode of New Girl here’s my short recap, but before that check out the next episode of New Girl Season 3Episode 15: Super Bowl Episode which will be back this week, yea! This will be our week for Super Bowl Episode will air on February 4, 2014 only at In I just wanted to express my feeling to the relationship of Jess and Nick where they are just one of the model of the strong foundation in come or understanding to each other. That whoever how they have a differences to each still they are trying their effort to understand.

It is the duty of the human understanding to understand that there are things which it cannot understand, and what those things are. Human understanding has vulgarly occupied itself with nothing but understanding, but if it would only take the trouble to understand itself at the same time it would simply have to posit the paradox.
The only thing that I was strike when Nick say to Jess the magic word which was “I LOVE YOU” in Jess gave Nick a two gun salute to Nick. The guys had much the same instinct, and they regulated to Nick’s bar to talk approximately the bomb Ol’ Turtle Face had just released. Nick admitted he destined what he said and see to love Jess, but he’d hoped to tell her in a more appropriate/romantic context.

This goanna be exciting for the reason is New Girl will have a “Super Bowl Episode” New Girl Season 3 Episode 15. Which this episode Nick will experience an awkward run-in with his ex which was Caroline, Jessica tries to convinced Nick that even though you had no connection but wanted still have a friendship of best friend as like an old time (how jess was undertint Nick feeling and she was a kind person ever that I know) which introducing her former boyfriend to Nick which was Berkley.

On the other side Coach uses Schmidt’s loft to have a date, but when Coach think all was fine then suddenly it turn out to be a farcically disastrous when Schmidt arrived home, I this is funny because Schmidt had also a company with her for have a potential; bedtime. Hoping that you will not miss New Girl for this goanna be fun and complete your week.


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