Airing Date: June 1, 2014
The Episode start Jaime and Tyrion are arguing for what Tyrion done in the court that he demand trial by combat. In fact Tyrion fell great when he saw his father dream are fading away in front of him. Jaime tells Tyrion that you cannot defend yourself, that he admit his swordsmanship are deprived for what happen to his hand. Tyrion had a favor to Jaime that find Bronn and asks whom Cersei has prearranged as her champion.
A surprise attack to the Hound in men bite the neck of him. In an surprise thing happen that Araya and the Hound discover that Joffrey is dead, in that is the reason why Arya was familiar to the man travel in Yoren, and the man tells his name, where he was part in the mini list of Arya assassinate where she killed in the heart, Sandor tells you are learning now.
The next morning Jorah was not in the mood to see Daario slept with Dany, who he concluded that man was not trustworthy at first he killed his own race. Dany agrees! She has sent Daario and the Second Sons to retake Yunkai. Her plan is to execute every single Master.
Hey! All Thorniest fans do you miss the recent episode of Game of Thrones, if yes! Here’s my short recap. But before that don Miss Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8: The Mountain and the Viper which will air on June 1, 2014 only at But this episode will not airing in next week Due to the Memorial Day holiday in the United States on May 25, there will be a one week break between episodes 7 and 8 of Season 4.
FYI! The Mountain and the Viper is pointing to Ser Gregor Clegane which he was known as “The Mountain That Rides” for his humongous size as what we saw in the previous one, for if you noticed GOT change the character as what the book said. On the other side Prince Oberyn Martell also known as “The Red Viper,” where I know this will be a bloodshed episode again looking forward the battle of this two man.

It turns out Ser Gregor Clegane was in the house killing several people which that was his hobby (how cruel this man, someone kill him please)… Cersie is thrilling to see him.
Arya and Sandor Clegane (The Hound) saw the house was burned and seeing a man dying with fresh wound. Sandor says that that man discovery just simple to kill. He states Arya that he terrors nothingness; Arya gets shocking philosophical.
Clegane gives the man water, and then stabs him. “That’s where the heart is,” he tells Arya. “That’s how you kill a man.”

I am glad that Jon Snow is back in the Craster’s Keep with his brothers, he report to Mance Rayder’s army is proximate near, and he propose that close the tunnel below in the Castle Black. Allister Thorne was not to agree Jon suggestion, saying that the gate will stop giants and wildlings. Jon insists it will not, but Thorne refuses to block the tunnel.
Dany saw Daario Naharis was in her private chambers. He asks permission to pursue his talent of war; he can’t pursue his love of women, since he only wants Dany.
This is interesting for the reason is Dany says: “Very well, do what you do best,” says Dany, and tells him to undress.

Dany sends Jorah and Hizdhar zo Loraq to offer the Yunkaii a choice – “They can live in my new world,” she says, “Or die in their old one.”
In Arryn when Sansa saw the white thing was falling down which was snow that she miss it and I know she remember the winterfell that she build a mini winterfell by snow.
We’ll all I can say don’t miss the Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8 for this will be interesting episode.
Game of Thrones Season 4: Episode 8 Preview