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Friday, January 31, 2014

Airing Date: February 6, 2014

I just say that I hate Katherine and Nadia! For the reason is officially Katherine had a permanent home in the body of Elena, but before that happen I just say that how Katherine was Katherine how you do kind to her she will pay back in terrible way. First Katherine done was in the first scene where Matt was in the park sitting, in Elena body which inside is a Devil (Katherine), Katherine posing life Elena, and asking Matt is he was drinking a vervain and also lost for good the bracelet, and telling him she needed a crash course on all things Elena from her compellable best friend. "Play along with my secret, Mattypants," she said. The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 13: Total Eclipse of the Heart be back on February 6, 2014 only at

In when Katherine compelled Matt she asking if this was Elena’s dress style? After that naiad told Katherine that the Traveler Mia will arrive and needed his body to complete Katherine’s body-snatching than temporary, because Nadia her mom will live she had a bright idea where she chained her into the hotel to make sure if Elena will control her body and cannot leave to tell her friends that in her body inside was Katherine.

In when Katherine something weird happen to her mind and suddenly Elena spirit popped up which Nadia was gone. Because Nadia come to the Salvatore’s Mansion and told Damon where did you buried Katherine corpse, for Nadia said that Katherine body must be in the Bulgaria with her family, Damon said to Nadia and Stefan that the body of Katherine is where belong she was. In we saw it the old Damon that was not fun to see as original bad Damon?

When Tyler was in her mansion where I think he was depressed to what happen to them to Caroline and also what happen to him in the New Orleans that once again Klaus made him a loser. In Matt said to Tyler clean this mess bro because we will have a comeback party, Tyler don’t want it but Matt wanted to have an event for Tyler depression will change.

In that’s it Katherine come also in the party where when she enter she cannot and she saw Matt, matt said to Elena (Katherine) to come in. In compelled Matt, Katherine saw Stefan drinking with the red cup and perfectly Katherine was like Elena where there was an advantage this time for she was inside Elena’s body. In this creeps me out this time that it was depressed because they make the ritual complete for they found Katherine body and put in fire which mean Katherine will be officially permanent to Elena’s body. In what will happen next Julie Plec that you puts come back Elena and this time I really… really… hare Katherine just wanted to live they put people die just so selfish.

In The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 13, all wanted to forget the traumatic scenario and they are hoping, Caroline encourage Elena and Bonnie to be part in the Whitmore College’s “Bitter Ball” for that party exclusively for the broken hearted students. In Bonnie was intrigue with the student which she named is Liv, who appear to be a dip into in witchcraft (this is her first appearance). Tyler was worried about to matt linking to Nadia. After making a disturbing discovery, Stefan had an exasperating conversation with Enzo. Dr. Wes struggles to continue his research project with help from a new benefactor named Sloan. Enzo and Damon wanted to have a revenge that they will need the assistant with Bonnie and Jeremy but at the end their plans come out into the horrifying turn.
Katherine has now succeeded in her attempt in becoming the sole occupant of Elena's body. Elena herself now ceases to exist. In the promo it appears that Diane Freeman is getting her neck snapped, suggesting Enzo and Damon are going after every surviving member of the Augustine society. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is also a song by Bonnie Tyler.

The Vampire Diaries 5x13 - Season 5 Episode 13 Preview


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