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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Airing Date: May 13, 2014

When Jackson and Oliver back to the Quarter they stopped on the road some of the policeman, but marcel and Diego was behind of the trap and they are been kidnapped with the Stones for the moonlight spell. Josh was happy and enjoying the heat of the sun for he wear the daylight ring at last. Were Davina wanted Josh to leave the town, but Josh don’t want to agree. Davina predict that there will be a battle in New Orleans, leave the town after that will happen.

The Originals Season 1 Episode 22: From a Cradle to a Grave, sadly this will be the finale of this season and hoping that you will stay tuned to the next one. That finale of the Originals will due on May 13, 2014 only at

Genevieve back again in Klaus side that she was healing them to do the spell and make the werewolves curse under control. Klaus has a favor to Genevieve that she must do one hundred, but that was the deal in the first place to Elijah. In to guarantee and the benefit towards to her, Klaus will offer her his mother’s Grimoire.

On the bar while Cami was working the message what she get ion the box of his family which was brother’s crypt. Francesca come in that all of his body guards pull out the customer, in Cami work was stop and we all aware the reason why Francesca was in the bar that she demand the key. That she threaten Cami that I am a friendly woman in New Orleans and my family was here before your family step this place, were happens and state next day is the last before I will be unfriendly to you.

Diego beating Jackson and Oliver with Marcel, he do that just wanted to exposed what will be Klaus planning to do. In because Jackson don’t want to hurt Oliver, they have a deal and just let Oliver go. Klaus already knows that Marcel is the person kidnapped Oliver and Jackson and also Davina cloaked him. In because of that Klaus use Josh as a bait and Davina flow the trap.

In it happen Klaus bit Josh which mean Josh life is in danger, and wanted Klaus to know where Marcel was hiding. But when Davina told Marcel hideout, Klaus was just Klaus that no words like Elijah.

In this the scene that I don’t expected that happen, where Francesca Correa was not just a plain human but guest what! She was a werewolf after she get the stoned to Genevieve with the spell. In it all was clear that Francesca family was the original owner in New Orleans.

Which she was belong to the Guerra Family where Cami figure it out when she come to his father house. The federal authorities might begin to crackdown on their city but more importantly discover the Original family. That I am thinking now I guess this family is not dead because Francesca Correa and her brothers are descendants of this wolf pack.

Now I am curious when if Mikael was alive that Davina saw him as a ghost, in this maybe added to Klaus burden that in Season 2 he will be the hurt in the ass, and why still Rebekah was not around I miss him please CW bring back my Rebekah because the Mikaelson Family are in trouble she is needed.

Genevieve get Haley to the church, and the baby is coming now. They explain the ancestors want her baby, and she fights to get away nevertheless doesn't.

I know you are excited to The Originals Season 1 Episode 22. In because Hayley get a due date to her baby Klaus and Elijah make a move to search her, Hayley was persevere what will happen even she will die just to safe her baby away from the witches. Francesca had a meeting with Oliver and Jackson planning to control the New Orleans. After the surprise attack with Marcel Company this time he was determined with the joining forces with Davina and Camille to take down Klaus.
In conclusion Klaus will do a heartbreaking, emotion decision just to protect the most important person in his life.

Narducci says the finale brings about "shocking alliances" and "deadly betrayals" that will dramatically tip the balance of power in the Big Easy. "Some characters will die, others will be changed forever, and by the end of the season, we will see a huge twist - a new alliance that we've been building toward for some time that will help define what the series will be as we move into Season 2".

The Originals 1x22 Extended Promo "From a Cradle to a Grave"(SEASON FINALE)


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