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Monday, February 24, 2014

Airing Date: March 3, 2014

I just love the episode once again for the story line cycle on the Echo House where we meet again Malia and new character named Oliver. Speaking to Oliver we heard the news that Oliver will appeared in the episode “Echo House”, which we are been shock of his appearance and also his gestures and I can say that Oliver was a soft spoken person and also quite of intensity. In also he was one of the patient in the mental hospital and I fell sorry to him that the Nogitsume controlling his mind which happen Malia life is in danger. In hoping Oliver I will see him more in this season and don’t just throw him away. In to those who looking working links just seen Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 21:The Fox and the Wolf that will air on March 3, 2014 only at

We first meet Malia Tate (Shelley Henni) that she was missing after the incidence of her mother and sister died where she been living fully transformed as a Werecayote. In also a moving revelation which Malia was the loss daughter of Peter Hale. In thanks to Scott that he uses the Alpha ability and roar to force Malia become a human again and I saw him this beautiful face.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 20 – “Echo House,” which the scene begins with Sheriff Stilinski driving Stiles to Eichen House, in the mental institution. In Scoot appeared for Stiles will not protected in that place. But Stiles was determined of his conclusion that he can manage himself, but they admit that he had no idea how to get rid the Nogitsune, but Scoot make sure that he will never leave the Echo House.
As what I say earlier that in the Echo House Stiles meet two new characters which they are Oliver that his roommate and when they first come face-to-face, Oliver is strapped to his bed. All in all, though, he seems fairly jovial at first glance.

Far away in the Eichen House, Scott, Allison, Lydia and the twins had an mission that moment figure it out to break into the armored car in order to get the evidence from the Katashi’s body. In I found it that Scoot still was not truly strong even he was the alpha right now, for she was so weak that he cannot manage himself to defend himself, but thanks to the twins they kick the ass of the werewolf.

Onwards Malia get the key to open the basement but Stiles was caught in the act but once again Malia saved him and they had an a hot scene on the recent episode and that was the revelation that the much awaiting love interest of Stiles was Malia. In I can say if Malia really is Peter's daughter, I think Stiles has a lot more than just the nogitsune to worry about.

But it was so evil what Nogitsume done to Stiles and Malia including Oliver, in this time Malia is interesting  to Stiles to get him and look to him and looking forward this new blousing relation. She looks up and her eyes turn blue. Did she ever have trouble turning back into a coyote in the first place? Better to prepare yourself and stay tuned in Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 21.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 21- Promo - The Fox and the Wolf


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