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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Airing Date: June 1, 2014

Hey! All Thorniest fans do you miss the recent episode of Game of Thrones, if yes! Here’s my short recap. But before that don Miss Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8: The Mountain and the Viper which will air on June 1, 2014 only at But this episode will not airing in next week Due to the Memorial Day holiday in the United States on May 25, there will be a one week break between episodes 7 and 8 of Season 4.

FYI! The Mountain and the Viper is pointing to Ser Gregor Clegane which he was known as “The Mountain That Rides” for his humongous size as what we saw in the previous one, for if you noticed GOT change the character as what the book said. On the other side Prince Oberyn Martell also known as “The Red Viper,” where I know this will be a bloodshed episode again looking forward the battle of this two man.

The Episode start Jaime and Tyrion are arguing for what Tyrion done in the court that he demand trial by combat. In fact Tyrion fell great when he saw his father dream are fading away in front of him. Jaime tells Tyrion that you cannot defend yourself, that he admit his swordsmanship are deprived for what happen to his hand. Tyrion had a favor to Jaime that find Bronn and asks whom Cersei has prearranged as her champion.

It turns out Ser Gregor Clegane was in the house killing several people which that was his hobby (how cruel this man, someone kill him please)… Cersie is thrilling to see him.

Arya and Sandor Clegane (The Hound) saw the house was burned and seeing a man dying with fresh wound. Sandor says that that man discovery just simple to kill. He states Arya that he terrors nothingness; Arya gets shocking philosophical.

Clegane gives the man water, and then stabs him. “That’s where the heart is,” he tells Arya. “That’s how you kill a man.”

A surprise attack to the Hound in men bite the neck of him. In an surprise thing happen that Araya and the Hound discover that Joffrey is dead, in that is the reason why Arya was familiar to the man travel in Yoren, and the man tells his name, where he was part in the mini list of Arya assassinate where she killed in the heart, Sandor tells you are learning now.

I am glad that Jon Snow is back in the Craster’s Keep with his brothers, he report to Mance Rayder’s army is proximate near, and he propose that close the tunnel below in the Castle Black. Allister Thorne was not to agree Jon suggestion, saying that the gate will stop giants and wildlings. Jon insists it will not, but Thorne refuses to block the tunnel.

Dany saw Daario Naharis was in her private chambers. He asks permission to pursue his talent of war; he can’t pursue his love of women, since he only wants Dany.

This is interesting for the reason is Dany says: “Very well, do what you do best,” says Dany, and tells him to undress.

The next morning Jorah was not in the mood to see Daario slept with Dany, who he concluded that man was not trustworthy at first he killed his own race. Dany agrees! She has sent Daario and the Second Sons to retake Yunkai. Her plan is to execute every single Master.

Dany sends Jorah and Hizdhar zo Loraq to offer the Yunkaii a choice – “They can live in my new world,” she says, “Or die in their old one.”

In Arryn when Sansa saw the white thing was falling down which was snow that she miss it and I know she remember the winterfell that she build a mini winterfell by snow.

We’ll all I can say don’t miss the Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8 for this will be interesting episode.

Game of Thrones Season 4: Episode 8 Preview
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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Airing Date: May 18, 2014

Before anything else to those avid fans watch the previous episode which was the episode title is “The Laws of Gods and Men,” you saw how Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) has a good scene that he was worthy to receive an award in Television, I know all fans are wanted this. To all fans of Tyrion Lannister surely you don’t want he will sentence to death, for hoping he will not because if he die I am done to this show, for the reason is he was my favorite character in GOT. In if you wanted to see him more just don’t miss Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 7: Mockingbird that will be back on May 18, 2014 only

What an awesome place in the Iron Bank, which they sail in City of Braavos with Stannis and Davos. In when they arrive waiting for the central man which was Tyco Nestoris that he was now mesmerized to Stannis get the Throne and rule over the Westeros. “Here our books are filled with numbers,” he says. “We prefer the stories they tell.” That is the reason why Stannis and Davos are compulsory to acknowledge their numbers with the prospects are not quit good, and Nestoris declines their demand for a loan.

On the other hand Davos steps up! And tells to the bankers the war is not over until Stannis sits the Iron Thrones. Davos agree that the Lannister are so strong foundation now, but what will Tywin will dies, they will negligible grasp on power, or strength to repay their monstrous loans to the Bank.

Yara was in action to save her brother Theon attacking in the Dreafort. At first their attack is good but when they get Theon in the cage of the dogs, he not use to fall in trap as what we see as Ramsay game, when Yara appeared to him he doesn’t noticed that was his sister, where he don’t want to leave the cage and just stay, if Ramsay say so. (How foolish he was and so disgrace). Yara leaves his brother like she treat he was dead and sail to the shore.

In because Theon was good on that day that he was loyal to his master Rasay, he had a gift to Theon to take the bath and wash himself, but I know he had a plan for as what I saw, that he was replacement that he will be used as he was never be like which was as Theon Greyjoy. (Now I am thinking Theon will be Theon, wait! What! I’m confused).

In Meereen, our Drogo Dragon was still a bad ass that he attack one of the sheep in killed and eat, after the moment of that Dany receive a complain to the man that one of her Drago0n eat his sheep, where Dany was not fine what Drogo action.

I can say Dany has still a softy heart, that when Hizdahr zo Loraq, where she was familiar of that he plead to beg a justice to his father that until now he was in the crucifixion, that he say to Dany I am here as a son begging mercy to my father and put him in the tomb what he deserve. Dany agree to put a tomb that his spirit will be fine.This one of the most epic scene that I know when Tyrion arrives in the court to discuss if he was the person kill Joffrey via poisoning. Many people said that Tyrion has a capability to kill Joffrey and many witnesses and lies around, but one thing he don’t get it Shae appeared that she witness that Tyrion is the person poison Joffrey with the help of Sansa, and she revealed that she was whore of Tyrion.

Tyrion become to rampage and all of his anger is all out, that without him the Kings Landing will be dead and Stannis Baratheon soldiers will captive them.
Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 7, it was written by producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and directed by Alik Sakharov. The title regarding to the personal sigil of Petyrs Baelish mas the mockingbird.

FYI! In arrears to the Memorial Day holiday in the United States on May 25, there will be a one week break in the middle of episodes 7 and 8 of Season 4.

Game of Thrones Season 4: Episode #7 Preview
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Airing Date: May 15, 2014

Poor Elena and Stefan that they both was been hostage and damm! They are not look good for the reason is their blood get to use some Travelers spells and go back the balance in the universe. In thanks to the unknown person she help Stefan to escape, in when Elena saw a person going to enter the room that Elena was afraid thanks God it was Stefan to saved them. I was enjoying that Elena and Stefan are enjoying the heat in the road. The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 22: Home will be back on May 15, 2014, hope you will not miss the Season finale only at

After that Stefan calls Damon where it was ironic the coin that Stefan drop in the phone was it originally came from Damon. Damon told to him that it was four days that you are missing with Elena that he cannot believe. Stefan assume to Damon that no worries Elena and me will be safe and come back in Mystic Falls.

In here the shock because our Stefan Salvatore is vanished, literal died. In here’s what happen when Tyler where it was not Tyler where one of the Travelers controlling his body, that he come to see Caroline and Stefan that Stefan said to him that your wife is dead, Caroline told to him it was not him he died. But sadly he come to rampage when he learn that Stefan was the only person who anger, when Caroline trying to kill him or whatsoever that, it happen in a seconds that Stefan was dead that person get Stefan heart and I cried that my dear Stefan ids dead.

When Bonnie and Enzo had a scene, she was surprised that Stefan appeared to him that we know Bonnie was the Anchor in the other side, that she cannot believe Stefan is dead, That Stefan ask to him if you will get the plan to clear what the Travelers doing, Bonnie replied I lost it, Stefan face looks like he switch off his humanity as his face see it. Stefan touch Bonnie that mean he will go in the other side. Enzo also surprised that Stefan was dead.
Now the question is what will happen in the Season Finale of The Vampire Diaries Season 5? Here some trivia that you want to know!

In this finale episode, according to Dries she said that we will expect some of the familiar faces that will appeared in this finale. In “will end all the vampire fashion, and will have a huge cliffhanger that leaves us a thinking, like What? Wait! No! Is this real?...

Dries teased that Stefan will soon have a "hard time" and that things "get even worse for Stefan toward the end."  The younger Salvatore brother reportedly takes "a turn for the worse" toward the end of Season Five.

We all known that the reason why the Travelers are in Mystic Falls they want to vanished what the witches to break, and still there will be more reason why they are in that town. In also Markos will accomplished his mission to break the centuries long curse, magic will be vanished as is the Mystic Falls will be magic free, and it will affect in the other side and hoping Bonnie will be alright.

In to all fans and missis him this may humor that they spotted Matt Davin in the set for Season 5 Episode 22 that there will be 50/50 that he will appear in the finale episode.

Julie tells E! News about Delena in the finale “The couple is put through their ultimate test as they try to save their friends, the town, and each other.”

Now brace yourself in The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 22, heartbroken to Damon that he will focus first how to get rid the Travelers, Bonnie pushing himself to seek how to disintegration of The Other Side. With the help of Liv and Luke, Elena will able to have her own plan, at first Liv  don’t want to involved that plan, Where Caroline make him obey for some reason that Liv will have a motivation.

Sheriff Forbes is horrified when Markos uses violence against Tyler/Julian to prove that Mystic Falls is now under the control of the Travelers. In now Damon had another plan a massive explosion in Mystic Falls and everyone in there was in confusion, leave-taking a trail of bravery, victim, break and hopelessness.

The Vampire Diaries 5x22 Extended Promo "Home"
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Airing Date: May 14, 2014

One more episode and we are finish in Seasons 2 of Arrow, for I am excited this installment for the reason is The League of Assassins, Roy Harper, the Canary, Laurel, Diggle, Felicity and everyone who believes and everyone who wanted to save the Starling City, to stop Slade and his Soldier. Arrow Season 2 Episode 23: Unthinkable will be air on May 14, 2014 only at

To those awesome fans of Arrow miss the recent episode, you are lucky that you visit this site because here’s my short recap;

Oliver pulls himself after his clash the walls just to protect themselves to the Slade’s Soldiers, but the problem is Laurel was still trap and she can’t take it anymore for she cannot breathe normal. Oliver shout her name and Laurel replied to Oliver, that she saw Oliver’s bow and shiver, that Oliver guides him how the bow works with the bomb that she will set himself free. Laurel shooting an explosive arrow and create an escape hole. She and Oliver make a move and save the city.

Diggle and Isabel had a fight. That Isabel looking Felicity and when Diggle was in danger, Felicity run the car that Isabel strike him. Diggle jump in the van, in when Isabel starting to get up they escape and drive off.
Detective Lance conclude the behind of the attack was Sebastian Blood. In because the chief police is dead now, they had no option but to call the Arrow.

Laurel run because the masked man was attacking hi, in she was trap and thanks to Sarah, Oh wait the Canary. After she save her it happen that Laurel look the Canary and she hug her and call the name of her sister, where the Canary was surprised that Laurel already knows.

In this one of my favorite scene, when Laurel ask Sarah where have you been and why you leave the city? Sara replied it doesn’t matter. Laurel says to her that the reason why you came back the city because of your family. Sara get her mask and wig and says to laurel nothing regarding the person which was Sara now. It was so emotional and lovely that laurel calls her sister as the HERO. Sara call himself as an irredeemable, but Laurel says to her that was the beautiful name like a Canary if that were facts.

In because Oliver his faith are falling down that there will be no reason how to stop Slade, that I think Oliver gives up! But Felicity tells him to honor the dead by fighting. “I do know two things,” she tells him. “You are not alone, and I believe in you.” She hugs him, and he hugs back.

At the Television news flash that they are confused why countless military around in the Starling City, Oliver calls Amanda that the A.R.G.U.S are behind of that action, where she relied to Oliver, where they are planning to contain Slade’s Soldier by means necessary including that will level the city. Where Oliver gives him until the dawn. In that is the reason why Oliver injects Roy without hesitation with the cure.

In the train station, Malcolm says to Thea’s eye are like him: occupied with pain and anger from dropping loved ones. Thea is all he has left, and she still has a father. Thea, nevertheless, discards the offer by shooting Malcolm.

In the flashback to the island Oliver wanted to save Sara and set her free, but they put themselves in the trap, where Slade’s saw them

In the finale episode of Arrow Season 2 Episode 23 “Unthinkable,” Slade are moving forward to destroy the city and reign and not only that he has planning to kill some Oliver close to his heart, where he accomplish his plan that he kidnapped one of the close heart of Oliver. In because of that he will do everything even though he will be the killer and a monster. Diggle takes on Amanda Waller with a little help from his friends, Thea and Roy need time together.

Arrow Season 2 Episode 23 Extended Promo "Unthinkable"
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Airing Date: May 13, 2014

When Jackson and Oliver back to the Quarter they stopped on the road some of the policeman, but marcel and Diego was behind of the trap and they are been kidnapped with the Stones for the moonlight spell. Josh was happy and enjoying the heat of the sun for he wear the daylight ring at last. Were Davina wanted Josh to leave the town, but Josh don’t want to agree. Davina predict that there will be a battle in New Orleans, leave the town after that will happen.

The Originals Season 1 Episode 22: From a Cradle to a Grave, sadly this will be the finale of this season and hoping that you will stay tuned to the next one. That finale of the Originals will due on May 13, 2014 only at

Genevieve back again in Klaus side that she was healing them to do the spell and make the werewolves curse under control. Klaus has a favor to Genevieve that she must do one hundred, but that was the deal in the first place to Elijah. In to guarantee and the benefit towards to her, Klaus will offer her his mother’s Grimoire.

On the bar while Cami was working the message what she get ion the box of his family which was brother’s crypt. Francesca come in that all of his body guards pull out the customer, in Cami work was stop and we all aware the reason why Francesca was in the bar that she demand the key. That she threaten Cami that I am a friendly woman in New Orleans and my family was here before your family step this place, were happens and state next day is the last before I will be unfriendly to you.

Diego beating Jackson and Oliver with Marcel, he do that just wanted to exposed what will be Klaus planning to do. In because Jackson don’t want to hurt Oliver, they have a deal and just let Oliver go. Klaus already knows that Marcel is the person kidnapped Oliver and Jackson and also Davina cloaked him. In because of that Klaus use Josh as a bait and Davina flow the trap.

In it happen Klaus bit Josh which mean Josh life is in danger, and wanted Klaus to know where Marcel was hiding. But when Davina told Marcel hideout, Klaus was just Klaus that no words like Elijah.

In this the scene that I don’t expected that happen, where Francesca Correa was not just a plain human but guest what! She was a werewolf after she get the stoned to Genevieve with the spell. In it all was clear that Francesca family was the original owner in New Orleans.

Which she was belong to the Guerra Family where Cami figure it out when she come to his father house. The federal authorities might begin to crackdown on their city but more importantly discover the Original family. That I am thinking now I guess this family is not dead because Francesca Correa and her brothers are descendants of this wolf pack.

Now I am curious when if Mikael was alive that Davina saw him as a ghost, in this maybe added to Klaus burden that in Season 2 he will be the hurt in the ass, and why still Rebekah was not around I miss him please CW bring back my Rebekah because the Mikaelson Family are in trouble she is needed.

Genevieve get Haley to the church, and the baby is coming now. They explain the ancestors want her baby, and she fights to get away nevertheless doesn't.

I know you are excited to The Originals Season 1 Episode 22. In because Hayley get a due date to her baby Klaus and Elijah make a move to search her, Hayley was persevere what will happen even she will die just to safe her baby away from the witches. Francesca had a meeting with Oliver and Jackson planning to control the New Orleans. After the surprise attack with Marcel Company this time he was determined with the joining forces with Davina and Camille to take down Klaus.
In conclusion Klaus will do a heartbreaking, emotion decision just to protect the most important person in his life.

Narducci says the finale brings about "shocking alliances" and "deadly betrayals" that will dramatically tip the balance of power in the Big Easy. "Some characters will die, others will be changed forever, and by the end of the season, we will see a huge twist - a new alliance that we've been building toward for some time that will help define what the series will be as we move into Season 2".

The Originals 1x22 Extended Promo "From a Cradle to a Grave"(SEASON FINALE)
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Monday, May 5, 2014

Airing Date: May 11, 2014

We’ll. We’ll we have a new King in the Westeros! Hope he will reign peacefully as like not his older brother Joffrey. Yes it was! Tommen Baratheon is the King now, we first saw him eating breakfast with his mother, father and sister including uncle Tyrion approaches. That Tommen was laughing when his uncle wanted to join and sit. In Season 2 Tommen is getting handsome where I saw him setting in the sit with his older sister Myrcella that Tyrion great them. Not only that I remember when the Blackwater episode that Cersie was setting in the Iron throne with Tommen frighten what will be the come out in the epic battle. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 6: The laws of Gods and Men will be air on May 11, 2014 only at

I remember Lysa Arry, Catelyn Stark sister and lady of the Vale. We last saw him in the Game of Thrones Season 1,m in she get my nerves again that she doesn’t like her sister Catelyn. But this Season 4 she will appear that a revelation, that she just not mourning to his sister death, and also not so joyful to her knees Sansa in the house. But Merly I was also surprised that lord Petyr Baelish has a relation to Lysa that when Sansa leave the scene it happen that Lysa was so kinky that moment that she like Petyr.

We’ll I happen that in Arryn house a weeding happen, where when Petyr was say yes to Lysa to marry this day. That Lysa hear5d that she was happy that last she will scream like hell after this weeding and they will have a making in the room. That funny on Sansa room heard Lysa scream to death… that I am thinking how big that is, just kidding.

In also when Arya get to sleep once gain she speaking the person who wanted to kill him including the Hound. In when the Hound wakes up he was surprised that Arya was not with him, but when he running all around he saw Arya practicing the needle sword. That when Arya was going to rampage that the Hound humiliate the person who teach Arya a sword, she wanted to kill Hound and expected she stab the Hound, but the sword can’t get in in the armor. (Epic fail!)

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 6 – “The laws of Gods and Men,” it sound going to be good one, for me! In if you are interested what will happen in the next episode, better to read at below!

Stannis will have a fresh plan to get the Throne, Stannies with Davos will set sail for they have a new strategy, gong maybe in the Iron Bank of Braavos after Davos acquired new plan to ask them for a loan in Episode 3 which the episode title is “Breaker of Chains”.

Dany will meet for the first called those supplicants, but who really he/she is? We have no idea for that but surely she still persevere to get the Meeren in her hands.

Tyrion and Tywin, here’s the exciting scene father versus son. Tyrion will come to face to his father in the throne room. Which I am assume Tyrion will take the trial at last and what will be the verdict?

Are you excited to witness another installment of Game of Thrones Season 4.

Game of Thrones "The Laws of Gods and Men" S04E06 Promo
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Friday, May 2, 2014

Airing Date: May 8, 2014

Promise Land is the 21st installment of the Fifth Season and the 11th episode of The Vampire Diaries. If you miss the recent episode, here’s my short recap. When Tyler wakes up he was surprised a woman name Maria was kissing his hot body going to the chest and to the abs. Maria thinks it’s just Julian back in the body, where if you still remember a Traveler possess Tyler body. In when Maria think that was his boyfriend, suddenly Tyler makes an act that he was Julian and they had a kinky scene. The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 21: Promised Land will be due on May 8, 2014 only at

When Maria leave Tyler it happen that he was acting strange quietly and when Maria noticed, Tyler cannot control his Hybrid thing in his body that his bones are cracking or breaks his bones. In that means Tyler was transforming that Maria runs but the room quite again and when Maria go to the room and a wolf attack him, in happy that Tyler was escape in the weird Travelers.

If you still remember that Stefan accidentally kill Damon best friend which was Enzo, right? Stefan lied to Damon that he text Damon using Enzo phone had decided to trade in Mystic Falls for Cape Horn? Damon acting suspicious to Stefan and Elena, in that is the reason why Damon get Luke to use the locator spell but it was suck that Damon was disappointed that Enzo cannot track down.
“You’ve been failing for the past hour, wonder twin,” he sasses when Luke tells him to take a chill pill. “So, at this point, it can’t be hurting.”
Elena, Caroline, Stefan and Damon are in Caroline dad lake house, where Elena and Stefan are mumbles while helping to unpack the car. Caroline enter the scene where she was curious that both of them had a secret. In once again Elena and Stefan lied just to cover the secret thing that they don’t want to know to Damon that Enzo is dead but it’s just accident.
Meanwhile Bonnie and Jeremy had a good to each other in the dorm, they are just a cute couple to each other. Jeremy get a text that Jeremy is back, after Jeremy leave the room. Bonnie gramps appeared that she know that Bonnie was just lying to Jeremy towards what happening in the other side. When Gramps is walking forward to him un shocking surprised scene that Gramps can touch everything, where it panic that the balance in the other side are trembling the witches, where the Travelers doing that.

In because Tyler knows that in an hour a person who possess him will be back again, where he chained himself. In it was right Julian appeared when Matt cast the spell. In it begun when Julian pointing what his body lay down they are not to accomplish the mission when Maria, Julian girlfriend get the body. Tyler will be in danger gain.

Delena scene again this episode, but the thin I am looking forward in the next episode is the Travelers get the two remaining doppelganger, where hoping they will be alright.

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 21. Elena and Stefan escape from Markos. Liv and Luke will have another risky idea to save the Mystic Falls. This time Damon wanted an assist to Matt and Jeremy to help him to trap Markos. In because Bonnie cannot take anymore what happening in the Other Side, she admit to Caroline. 

The Vampire Diaries 5x21 "Promised Land"
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Airing Date: May 6, 2014

What can you say to the previous episode of The Originals? I know it was intense and shocking scene that you doesn't expected that will happen. Mikael appeared and Hayley life’s put in misery where I can’t see it more happen to this precious girl and also Klaus son.  It’s been a long time to see Mikael in the screen where he had a plan to kill Klaus which was a ultimate weapon, where Klaus was afraid to see him again not in the dream but guest it be in the flesh in real world. Are you agree that Mikael is still alive of he maybe cannot past through to the other side. Just don’t miss The Originals Season 1 Episode 21: The Battle of New Orleans. Will be back on May 6, 2014 only at

This is the first time that my sympathy to Genevieve, because at first I know that she don’t want to kill then obey inside of Hayley body but because the ancestor command him the only key you will be alive is to kill Klaus son. Where it means Hayley life put also in danger. Like what happen in the recent one that Monique want to kill Hayley using the voodoo thing where I was afraid that she was complete the spell. That when Hayley walking in the ceremonial to Kieran, it happen Hayley was couching and bleeding and lay down in the ground.
Genevieve call attention of Klaus and Elijah to help out Hayley, they run in the house to help and assist Hayley condition but Elijah was not confident that Genevieve will help them, but Klaus stop him that in the past she was also a nurse. When Elijah thought no one will cure Hayley condition. He was rampage throwing the chair in the wall.

In the other side when Hayley woke up she was strange feeling that Mikael appeared and Hayley was confused who is this men, then he introduced himself that Hayley was surprised. Where Hayley thought that Mikael is dead, in the battle that I was surprised that Hayley kick the ass of Mikael.
Hayley wake up like she breathing everything, it was close one that thinking she will dead. Genevieve surprised that she help.

I was happy that Klaus had a vision to his daughter and it was lovely scene to see Klaus was like so a father. But suddenly someone stake Klaus at the back and it was surprised again that it was Mikael was in the back. But keep calm it’s just a dream.

Klaus is forced to revisit his path with Marcel, his former protege and adoptive son, amid regular nightmares of his father Mikael. The trip down memory lane, all told in flashbacks, comes at a time when things between Klaus and Marcel are at an impasse, for lack of a better term.

In for the first time Klaus mentioned the familiar name in Vampire Diaries, which was Bonnie who tells him on the Other Side is collapsing. Where watch out also what happen on the next episode of vampire Diaries.

See here more in The Originals Season 1 Episode 21. This time Klaus and Elijah will combined their strength and ability just to get the stoned needed by Genevieve to changer forever the fates of Hayley and the werewolf community. Realizing that Klaus' plan will lead to the extermination of all French Quarter vampires, Marcel rallies an army determined to take down the Mikaelsons and regain control of the city. This is the first time that Josh and Davina will leave the town for the reason is to make a fateful choice that will turn the tide war. In the meantime, Francesca threatens Camille, who endeavors to untangle a code that consequences in a astonishing revelation among the city's factions.

The Originals 1x21 Promo "The Battle of New Orleans"
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