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Monday, May 5, 2014

Airing Date: May 11, 2014

We’ll. We’ll we have a new King in the Westeros! Hope he will reign peacefully as like not his older brother Joffrey. Yes it was! Tommen Baratheon is the King now, we first saw him eating breakfast with his mother, father and sister including uncle Tyrion approaches. That Tommen was laughing when his uncle wanted to join and sit. In Season 2 Tommen is getting handsome where I saw him setting in the sit with his older sister Myrcella that Tyrion great them. Not only that I remember when the Blackwater episode that Cersie was setting in the Iron throne with Tommen frighten what will be the come out in the epic battle. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 6: The laws of Gods and Men will be air on May 11, 2014 only at

I remember Lysa Arry, Catelyn Stark sister and lady of the Vale. We last saw him in the Game of Thrones Season 1,m in she get my nerves again that she doesn’t like her sister Catelyn. But this Season 4 she will appear that a revelation, that she just not mourning to his sister death, and also not so joyful to her knees Sansa in the house. But Merly I was also surprised that lord Petyr Baelish has a relation to Lysa that when Sansa leave the scene it happen that Lysa was so kinky that moment that she like Petyr.

We’ll I happen that in Arryn house a weeding happen, where when Petyr was say yes to Lysa to marry this day. That Lysa hear5d that she was happy that last she will scream like hell after this weeding and they will have a making in the room. That funny on Sansa room heard Lysa scream to death… that I am thinking how big that is, just kidding.

In also when Arya get to sleep once gain she speaking the person who wanted to kill him including the Hound. In when the Hound wakes up he was surprised that Arya was not with him, but when he running all around he saw Arya practicing the needle sword. That when Arya was going to rampage that the Hound humiliate the person who teach Arya a sword, she wanted to kill Hound and expected she stab the Hound, but the sword can’t get in in the armor. (Epic fail!)

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 6 – “The laws of Gods and Men,” it sound going to be good one, for me! In if you are interested what will happen in the next episode, better to read at below!

Stannis will have a fresh plan to get the Throne, Stannies with Davos will set sail for they have a new strategy, gong maybe in the Iron Bank of Braavos after Davos acquired new plan to ask them for a loan in Episode 3 which the episode title is “Breaker of Chains”.

Dany will meet for the first called those supplicants, but who really he/she is? We have no idea for that but surely she still persevere to get the Meeren in her hands.

Tyrion and Tywin, here’s the exciting scene father versus son. Tyrion will come to face to his father in the throne room. Which I am assume Tyrion will take the trial at last and what will be the verdict?

Are you excited to witness another installment of Game of Thrones Season 4.

Game of Thrones "The Laws of Gods and Men" S04E06 Promo


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