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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Airing Date: May 18, 2014

Before anything else to those avid fans watch the previous episode which was the episode title is “The Laws of Gods and Men,” you saw how Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) has a good scene that he was worthy to receive an award in Television, I know all fans are wanted this. To all fans of Tyrion Lannister surely you don’t want he will sentence to death, for hoping he will not because if he die I am done to this show, for the reason is he was my favorite character in GOT. In if you wanted to see him more just don’t miss Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 7: Mockingbird that will be back on May 18, 2014 only

What an awesome place in the Iron Bank, which they sail in City of Braavos with Stannis and Davos. In when they arrive waiting for the central man which was Tyco Nestoris that he was now mesmerized to Stannis get the Throne and rule over the Westeros. “Here our books are filled with numbers,” he says. “We prefer the stories they tell.” That is the reason why Stannis and Davos are compulsory to acknowledge their numbers with the prospects are not quit good, and Nestoris declines their demand for a loan.

On the other hand Davos steps up! And tells to the bankers the war is not over until Stannis sits the Iron Thrones. Davos agree that the Lannister are so strong foundation now, but what will Tywin will dies, they will negligible grasp on power, or strength to repay their monstrous loans to the Bank.

Yara was in action to save her brother Theon attacking in the Dreafort. At first their attack is good but when they get Theon in the cage of the dogs, he not use to fall in trap as what we see as Ramsay game, when Yara appeared to him he doesn’t noticed that was his sister, where he don’t want to leave the cage and just stay, if Ramsay say so. (How foolish he was and so disgrace). Yara leaves his brother like she treat he was dead and sail to the shore.

In because Theon was good on that day that he was loyal to his master Rasay, he had a gift to Theon to take the bath and wash himself, but I know he had a plan for as what I saw, that he was replacement that he will be used as he was never be like which was as Theon Greyjoy. (Now I am thinking Theon will be Theon, wait! What! I’m confused).

In Meereen, our Drogo Dragon was still a bad ass that he attack one of the sheep in killed and eat, after the moment of that Dany receive a complain to the man that one of her Drago0n eat his sheep, where Dany was not fine what Drogo action.

I can say Dany has still a softy heart, that when Hizdahr zo Loraq, where she was familiar of that he plead to beg a justice to his father that until now he was in the crucifixion, that he say to Dany I am here as a son begging mercy to my father and put him in the tomb what he deserve. Dany agree to put a tomb that his spirit will be fine.This one of the most epic scene that I know when Tyrion arrives in the court to discuss if he was the person kill Joffrey via poisoning. Many people said that Tyrion has a capability to kill Joffrey and many witnesses and lies around, but one thing he don’t get it Shae appeared that she witness that Tyrion is the person poison Joffrey with the help of Sansa, and she revealed that she was whore of Tyrion.

Tyrion become to rampage and all of his anger is all out, that without him the Kings Landing will be dead and Stannis Baratheon soldiers will captive them.
Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 7, it was written by producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and directed by Alik Sakharov. The title regarding to the personal sigil of Petyrs Baelish mas the mockingbird.

FYI! In arrears to the Memorial Day holiday in the United States on May 25, there will be a one week break in the middle of episodes 7 and 8 of Season 4.

Game of Thrones Season 4: Episode #7 Preview


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