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Monday, April 7, 2014

Airing Date: April 13, 2014

This episode Tyrion and Jaime will appeared in this episode, as we’ll Joffrey and Margery will have an event. This is the first time in this season we will saw Dragonstone with Stannis and Davos. Ramsay also will come to appearance. In lastly we will meet Bran will have another occurrence. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2: The Lion and the Rose will be back on April 13, 2014 only at

Hey guys do you watch the previous episode of Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1 which the episode title is “Two Swords.” If you miss it here’s my short recap, hope you will enjoy it!

Tywin Lannister appeared where he brings Ned Stark’s Valyrian steel greatsword, Ice that will made into two swords. As the background music playing which we are familiar of this which was “The Rains of Castamere”, after that when the sword successfully melt, Tywin throws ice’s wolfskin into fire and evil smile. Which significant that the House of Stark is totally chaos.

In that was the person why he make the two sword is because he will gave to his son Jaime, he wanted to say that to leave the Kingsguard and reign in Casterly Rock. Jaime reply just refuse the offer and said “The Kingsguard oath is for life,” he says, and the king is certainly not safe. He won’t break his oath, even however his honor is smudged beyond renovation.

Tywin was angry of what Jaime said to him, where Jaime keep the two swords.”A one-handed man with no family wants all the aid he can acquire,” he speaks.

Next was Tyrion, Bronn with Podrick Payne waiting for the guest in the road which was Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne, the purpose is to attend for Joffrey’s weeding. The guest is late but they still peruse to kings landing even Prince Doran not come out, but his brother Oberyn will attend in the weeding.

I just cannot getting over to the scene when Arya with the Hound scene, when Sandow Clegane and Arya riding going to Riverlands and Arya wanted to get her personal horse but Sandor insist the request. The Hound tells her his plan to sell her to her Aunt Lysa in the vale.

In when they saw the inn but Sandow don’t want to enter the place but when Arya noticed a familiar person which was Polliver one of the Gregor Clegane’s men who murdered her friend Lommy with Arya’s needle sword. Arya rapidly enter the place but Hound wanted to stop her but it’s too late.

When they enter the inn Polliver familiar with the face of the Hound that he come over and have a cheat chat. That he invite the Hound to be with them to rape and steal going to King’s landing for he was so dick head that he said no one can stop them unless they are wearing the king’s color.

At the end they had a fight that Arya was a bad-ass that time that she kill Polliver using the needle sword given my his brother Jon Snow. At last Arya has her own personal horse.

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2. Tyrion loans to Jaime a hand. Joffrey and Margaery will have an event that they are the host of the breakfast. In the Dragonstone, Stannis losses with Davos. Ramsay appeared which he had another idea to ame more spice to his pet (Theon). Meanwhile in North of the Wall, Bram witness where they must go!

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Preview The Lion and the Rose


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