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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Airing Date: April 6, 2014

Season 4 of Game of Thrones will be another epic storyline, places, battle and also hot scene. In season 3 which the finale episode entitled “Mhysa” where Joffrey challenges Tywin where they had an intense scene. Bran had a scary story. In Drgaonstone, mercy come from the strange quarters. Dany waits to see if she is a true conqueror or a liberator. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1: Two Swords will be air on April 6, 2014 only at

We will have a new character in the show which there name is Oberyn Martell and Styr. First let’s tackle Oberyn Martell for this is the first appearance of him played by Pedro Pascal. He’s one of the member of House of Martell which the ruling house of Dorne.

Prince Oberyn also known as the Red Viper of Dorne, in fact he was the younger brother of Doran Martell which was also price of Dorne and the late Elia Martell also a wife of Rhaegar Tergaryen and the late prince of Dragonstone leads to the Iron Throne.

He had a wife named Ellaria Sand palyed by Indira Varm. She is the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne and a bastard of House Uller. "Sand" is the surname used for noble-born bastards in Dorne.
Oberyn is called "the Red Viper" by friend and foe alike due to his penchant for coating his weapons in lethal poisons, so that even a glancing wound will prove fatal.

The second one is Styr, played by Yuri Kolokolnikov, in the books Mance Rayder’s lietenants on the Magnar which was the “Lord” in the of tongue and the first men.

In this episode we will enter in meeren which the three great city of Slaver’s Bay, north of Yunkai and Astapor.Whcih this is the next destination of Dany to get more soldier and set free the salves that was the reason I love Dany.

In Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1, Tyrion welcomes a guest to King’s Landing. At the castle black Jon Snow experience rejection of which mean unwelcome to the group. Danny will pointed in Meereen which known as the mother of all slave cities. Arya will go to the old friend.

Game of Thrones: Season 4 - Episode 1: Two Swords Preview

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