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Monday, March 10, 2014

Airing Date: March 16, 2014

On the last episode I learn why the episode title is “Alone” because it pointing to Bob Stookey regarding to his past experience when he was not in Rick’s group. Bob was walking by his own self, in I can say he was so hopeless face in that time Bob was finding a shelter during the nights and also to the van that he was lying down, after that he walks again just to find a safe place, in that was the first time Bob meet Daryl Dixon and Glenn Thee approach him. Daryl ask him how long he was alone? And how many walkers you killed? And how many people you killed? When Bob answer the question he say he killed only one and that was a woman, Daryl as him back. Bob answer back that the woman asked him to kill. The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14: The Grove be back next week on March 16, 2014 only at

On the present day Bob, Sasha and Maggie are still kicking some of the walkers, in when the walkers are approaching, unexpectedly a one walker bites Bob, Sasha was panic to witness. After the walkers approaching to them Sasha come to him and thanks god he was not bitten of a walker and it was a torn of bandages. In I can breathe well also Sasha was happy to see that Bob was still alive.

On the other side Daryl teaching Beth how to track and use the crossbow. Beth was a good student that she get how to track which Beth was correct because earlier she said that there was a walkers was walking and they found it was right. In they saw a one walker eating the small of animal’s corpse. In when Beth see that she wanted to go near with the walker to shoot him with Daryl crossbow, but surprisingly an animal trap Beth was caught in the feat. IN that walkers noticed that she fires the crossbow, but the bolt hits the walker's mouth, missing the brain. On the other hand, the walker is swiftly killed by Daryl.

Bob on the post-apocalypse, Bob states that he had been a member of two separate survivor groups before he was found by Daryl. He was the sole survivor of both groups after they were overrun and believes it's his curse to see everyone and anything around him die or be destroyed. He has also become heavily dependent on alcohol to cope with his experiences and he admittedly drinks himself to sleep at night.
On the final scene I was hoping that one of the episode all groups will meet in one place in starting build a new place that they can say a home and free of the death and also the walkers. Maggie and Sasha catch up with Bob, and, united, they come to an end their excursion to Terminus. Somewhere else, Glenn finds a sign for Terminus, and looks at it in awe.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14. After finding an restful to establish a new home, each group are asking whether it is imaginable to go back things what they are as like in the prison.

The Walking Dead Season 4 4x14 The Grove


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