We’ll up up and way! We know that Queen Katherine is gone
for good but how sad to see Nadia was not worth it to die just a short time
with her mother. By the next episode we will have the second to the last break
only one week, for reason in Atlanta had a huge winter in outside but also in
might be break in episode 16 between 17. But the only thing that I know for
sure on March 20, 2014 that if you will not miss The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 16: While You Were Sleeping were you will witness what will be the reaction
of Elena when Katherine controlling her body, you can check also all the
episodes of TVD only at telepisodes.ch.
Hey to all the The Vampire Diaries fans out there, still you
have a reason to watch the next episode but before that let’s recap what happen
to the previous one. The first scene is when Nadia was looking her mom in the
year 1560 that she saw a house and asking if you know the human name Katherine?
But the man doesn’t have any idea the name of that. In we found all of that was
just hallucination of Nadia which the effects of a werewolf bite and also
Katherine was taking care of him how sweet is that, which I still know
Katherine had a heart to anyone like her only daughter.
Nadia had a favor to her mom which if you want to save me,
go to New Orleans and look Klaus to have a Hybrid blood but Katherine don’t
like that idea, where she come to Wes to have a anti-dote to get rid the venom
which I wish they have done to Rose. IN for the first ever Katherine promise to
her daughter that to save her life.
On the Salvatore’s house Stefan reveal to Damon that the
Elena in front on him when she was breaking up on her was not Elena which it
was Katherine controlling her body. Damon was shock and upset what she have
done crazy thing, but Stefan had a good plan to bring back Elena. In that was
they want to corner Katherine that Tyler said to the group that he bite Nadia
which mean the only thing to get Katherine is to get Nadia that was little by
little dying of the venom.

In they are successful to bring back Elena’s sprit that Stefan
and Damon are waiting for Elena to wake up, and Stefan wants to know what Damon
will do when Elena wakes up, and he requests to tell her the whole thing he
In also Caroline and Tyler scene where Caroline was over to
get all what she had done sleeping with Klaus, that she said to Tyler hearing
about her mistakes all the time, she’s done feeling guilty. Tyler needs to get
over it or get out of her life!
Better not miss to The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 16, which we will see another side of Elena that she was crazy like she wants not Elena laterally. We will see for the first a new character which was Luke which he will be the first gay. I also the Delena scene will expected as what the promo see. In also Sloan appeared that she will still have a secret plan. And also Enzo and Caroline will stumble upon to each other.
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 16 Extended Promo
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