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Monday, March 17, 2014

Airing Date: March 24, 2014

I would like to say last episode was so emotional and an intense, for it was emotional because my baby Allison Argent is dead. Yes indeed she was dead and I can’t imagine what will bet the next episode will be going without Allison present. In because Allison I would to remember memorable moment she had done in Teen Wolf. But before we will proceed I just want to remind you in March 24, 2014 Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24: The Divine Move on

We saw her in the season 1 where she meet Lydia that they suit to each other that in the school they look like the mean girl but it’s not they are kind person. In also Allison was good lies to tell that she can move on and escape the interrogating. In also she was the only person who confronts bad guidance counselors with the remarkable straightforwardness. In also she was good setting up booby trap which she was so good to do that thing. In also with her friends she was unstoppable that even the strong wall with her friends wrecking ball will crash it.
In also she was skill full and also can defend himself to the werewolf, literally! Which we saw her practicing with Scoot which he was impress to him. I admit I cannot resist the charm of Allison, but for you're Oliver Queen, Allison's archery skills almost unquestionably surpass yours. I can be with her if I am hurt or wounded Allison knows first aid. In by the way Allison will not peak her to the shows (how sad is that), been in the closet where she was with Scoot hiding.

And also you will not be loss if you are in the ravel or in the camping with Allison, which she can read maps. As a normal teenager if Allison don’t want to get up in the bed she doesn’t want to get up. In yea I just mention that no man can resist Allison charm?

Allison dad was a bad-ass so better not get angry to him. In yea Allison doesn’t trust anything even the fog which she was hallucinating with her aunt. A cool thing to see that Allison was just a warrior that under her pillow there was a giant knife, not only that Allison had a gun but a huge gun.

But seriously I really miss Allison in teen Wolf, but we must accept what is the reality. I know people will hate me to write this that I actually feel sad to Allison death in the arm of his true love Isaac. We cannot blame Jeff Davis and the writer because at first it was Crystal Reed decision to leave the show. But Allison doesn’t deserve to die.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24. “The Divine Move,” airs next Monday, March 24, at 10 p.m. ET on MTV. It is the finale episode for season 3, and it looks like it’s going to be full of bloodshed and sword fights.

Teen Wolf 3x24 Promo - The Divine Move


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