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Monday, February 10, 2014

Airing Date: February 17, 2014

OMG! What a breath taking episode of Teen Wolf? For those who miss the previous one, we’ll it is sad you miss it because “Riddle” was an awesome and most terrifying episode of Teen Wolf. (Do you are agree?) In this will be by far creepiest but then again an emotional episode. BY the way to this asking what will air of the Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 19: Letharia Vulpina? Will be back on February 17, 2014 only at For this time we will find out who is the secret weapon that will the person can stop Stiles and this will be a good match evil versus good.

We saw that Stiles lose his mind and this time this is so serious because he was getting worse and worse for someone controlling his body for Stiles no idea what he doing. In Stiles meet a friend not a friend actually or whatsoever was he was but I found that was the person who possessing Stiles and he look like a mummy with the silver fangs and teeth. At least he made a new friend in the process — even if that “friend” was a horribly disfigured, riddle-spouting mental tolerant who only existed in Stiles’ twisted mind.

In this is a shocking because when Stiles was undergoing a test in the hospital, his best friend was a crazy scene where that men was the dark spirit of Stiles whop possessing him, in this moment of time I was shouting what the heck now will happen to our lovable Stiles for the reason is he was fully controlling the body of Stiles. For Kira’s mom was also an Kitsume for she was the person who send the Oni to prevent to awake but now it’s too late but Kira’s mom had an secret weapon, Oni was working Kira’s mom, are plotting to destroy the vessel his body.

In to all Teen Wolf fans why the episode title is Letharia Vulpina, according to Wikipedia described as a commonly known as the wolf lichen (although the species name vulpina, from vulpine relates to the fox), is a fruticose lichenized species of fungus in the family Parmeliaceae. It is bright yellow-green, shrubby and highly branched, and grows on the bark of living and dead conifers in parts of western and continental Europe, the Pacific Northwest and northern Rocky Mountains of Western North America.

In also I am asking myself what behind of the person who was recording the Japanese words for Allison was confuse of that. So, basically, neither of Kira’s parents should be trusted.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 19. We will expect we will see Stiles new Stiles as a bad-ass, Peter will have a paint.

Teen Wolf 3x19 Promo


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