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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Airing Date: March 6, 2014

This is what we miss on Arrow, their will another person will added in Team Arrow in that was Sarah Lance a.k.a “The Canary” which Oliver invites in to be part of his secret team and wanted to see what will be the reaction of Roy and Felicity. In they noticed the at the back of Sarah of a scar and that was happen that Sarah get it in the island long time ago that was interesting scene. In because Sarah new in the team all the attention was on him which Felicity fell out of place that she was been jealous to Sarah. After that the team Arrow had also mission that moment which they are investigating the person a villain named William Tockan, also known as “The Clock King”, which this man was good in getting the person (or in short he was thief like his profession) and also he was an armed with technology that can open any bank in starling city. Don’t forget to witness again Arrow Season 2 Episode 15: The Promise which will be back in our TV screen on March 6, 2014 only at

In because the villain is good in technology and also computing of what they called about it, felicity filled pressure once again because she wanted to prove himself and the group that she was still suit in that team, in she had a plan to prove it which she wanted to go alone in arrest the Clock King by himself, in that was so dangerous to do that we all known that Felicity was not good in combat or anything but who knows what happen if you will watch this episode for sure you will be shock to see that she can also kicking some ass.

In that meantime Oliver throws a party because of Sarah homecoming and he invites Laurel but I just expect that she will reject the invitation for we all know the reason which she was still mad what she doing. First was cheat her and also keeping himself secret that she was still alive and at my own perspective I will gave the 50% sympathy to laurel for I know what the emotion directing for.

The Lance family completes which Lance had a family dinner, Laurel once again had an attitude which she acquires of something, but when Oliver Queen appeared in the scene with Sara she loses her temper on both of them. How the heck Oliver show himself with Sara which we all known that they had a past and it was so not cool  to see that you are with them in fact at the first pace you are his boyfriend.

This is what we will expect on the next episode of Arrow Season 2 Episode 15, Oliver was surprised that Slade appeared in the present time (Starling City). Back in the island which Sara, Oliver and Slade preparing for the battle with the Ivo troops, Sara get Oliver to talk about that she wanted to kill Ivo to prevent what happen on Shado.(for if Slade will known it he will rampage again and never forgive them). In that moment Oliver feels guilt but Oliver realize that is Slade will know it because the mirakuro was growing him and will bring an unpredictable which could turn the bam to him. At the end Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begin.

Hoping that you will not miss the next episode for this will be good thing that at last at the present time Slade and Oliver will come face to face with Sara. What will be the reaction of them face to see Slade was still alive. In also in the island is Slade will know the secret what happen to Shado is Ivo will kill?

Arrow Season 2 Episode 15 Promo


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