Do you wondering that the only person in the group that we don’t see his parent is Schmidt parents that to all fans of Schmidt we been waiting for a long time the day we will see exactly who are his parents. Well, Michael Ausiello of TVLine shares that “there’s a good chance” that day will be sometime soon. Specifically, sometime this season. Question: Furloughed government worker looking for New Girl scoop — are we ever going to meet Schmidt’s mother? —Sarah. Ausiello: There’s a very good chance you’re going to meet his mother and his father later this season. My dream casting picks? Goldie Hawn and Mandy Patinkin. So, who are in your imagination the casting picks just comments at below to have short cheat chat!

In if you miss the previous episode here's my short recap which the title episode is “Captain.” Schmidt are getting perseverance to make a revenge to Nick and Jess after both of his ladies break up with him. In other side Winston learns that Ferguson hes cat must be neutered that he was determined to give this feline one last night of carnal glory.
New Girl Season 3 Episode 5: The Box will be back on TV screen on October 15, 2013 only at and hoping you will not miss this series for they will have an funny scene once again.
Check it out New Girl 3x05 Promotional Photos 'The Box
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