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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Airing Date: January 21, 2014

So you see the previous episode of teen wolf? I know you are so impressed to what just you witness of some of the episode happen which to all the fans of Stiles this is your day for he had done once again an heroic and a brilliant idea that he can managed himself to think an intense scene just like when they are running and Stiles talk to Scoot on the phone that the werecoyote will be headed off, and I discover the reason why the werecayote was in school of beacon hills is they get the doll were her sister favorite doll that she was anger that they take the doll in the car for that is the symbolic to her that giving a flower in the cemetery someone you love. In by the way the next episode which the title episode is “Galvanize” that will air on January 14, 2014 only at

In not only that what Stiles help which once again he helped Lydia when they are in the woods looking the werecayote where happen just I admit myself that will happen, earlier the werecayote father had set a trap for the thinking the werecayote is the reason why they had an accident leads his family die. Back to Stiles and Lydia where they are an scenario where Lydia step on the trap where we know Lydia reaction freak out but thanks to Scoot he keep Lydia stable and don’t move, Scoot wanted to help Lydia to not be harming the traps but we all know that Stiles had a problem that he experience to his life where he cannot read a simple words for and Lydia knows about for she encourage Scoot that he can manage that for he was brilliant many idea in your mind you can do it Stiles.

At the end for we known Stiles can overcome he just let Lydia not harm in the booby traps at the end they are alright for Lydia was happy and they hug for that moment I just love both of them will fall in love and married.

In also an emotional just happen that I just wanted to cry which the werecayote was face to face to Scoot at Scoot knows how to roar like an alpha that he can every mammals will obey him but before that he will know how to roar like an alpha but is just Missy happen where Scoot was bloody and poor Scoot. In at the end I just love the scene where the father and the lost daughter for eight year was missing they just reunite thanks to Stiles, Scoot, Lydia, Isaac and also Stiles father.

This time on Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 15: Galvanize, when a person was escape in the prison in fact this man is a murderer for a prior of surgery, Scoot and friends trying to help this murderer next target and hoping that they will success.

Teen Wolf Sneak Peek Promo 3x15 "Promo"


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