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Sunday, January 5, 2014

 Airing Date: January 6, 2014

This is it! To all the fans of Teen Wolf tomorrow will be our day after long wait the 3(b) will be back on January 6, 2014. Now the question is what we will expect on this new story? In The Season 3(a) the story arc focused on ‘the Alpha Pack’s” plans for Derek with Scott for there was an unknown killer named “Darach which she had an ability of a dark druid ritual that she murdered some of the students, teachers and others. But at the end Scott, Stiles and friends surpass that thing happening to their life which a good news is Scott became an official “Alpha.” In now is The Season 3(b) story will featured the Japanese mythology which will included new shapeshifting creature that still had no information about that for I am excited what creature is that but I think that creature was strong.

Not only that I will stretch you a spoiler so warning if you don’t want to spoil what will be headed in this season. Derek’s New Brotherly Side and Where Will we First See Him Again? We know now that Teen Wolf Season 3(b) are just fast approaching and this wonderful top do which was countdown until the day of January 6th for I know you read some of the spoilers. In this time because I know you are excited what will goanna happen, here’s a short spoil which will be focus on Derek’s New Brotherly Side and Where Will we First See Him?

Derek will have an carrier this season as a big brother to Scott, for we know that Scott is a alpha right now so many have happening that Scott will not control himself and don’t know what will do, as an Alpha like Derek he experienced everything for no reason he wanted to help Scott to be a new Alpha in this goanna be difficult. But according to Tyler Posey he revealed that this is he’s favorite relationship right now on the show.

As for when Derek will be back in Beacon Hills, let’s just say you’ll discover out where he is in the season premiere. And just who he’s with is yet another surprise. Where will we first see Derek again? And which ‘surprise’ person will he be with?

If I were you must not miss Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13:Anchors as what i said will air on January 6, 2014 only at For this premiere episode of Teen Wolf 3(b) Scott, Stiles and Allison agonize side effects from the ceremonial sacrifice; Sheriff Stilinski examines through old cases.

Teen Wolf TEASER #4 Promo 3x13 "Anchors"


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