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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Airing Date: January 22, 2014

I am so worried to Roy harper, after when he was injected of the Mirakuru for had something affect with the person someone injected that will increased more you strength and also you had a rapid regeneration. Which Mirakuru was been created during the age of World War II which country created by the Japanese.

By the way the next episode which the title episode is “Blind Spot” which will due on January 22, 2014 only at, for this is the thirty-fourth episode overall.

In comics Deathstroke in the comics was injected with an experimental serum by the US government which left him in a coma for months. When he awoke the serum had improved his body giving him the strength of ten men along with heightened speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes. In Arrow tv series the first person that I discover was also Deathstorke and that was Slade Wilson for the person inject him was Oliver Queen for he had an severe burn and wound in his face that I can say that Slade was so like Deathstorke in comics literally. But when Oliver inject the Mirakuru. Oliver, Shado and Sarah was so afraid what will comes out for if someone will injected the Mirakuru in body there will be an tendency that you will die or given a super strength but it was risk.

Because Oliver and friends had no, option but to inject Slade just to live he inject it and suddenly Slade bleeding to his eyes and they thought that Slade was die. After that when Oliver, Shado and Sarah was kidnapped and saw that Shado die back in the place where Slade was left the alone, precipitously Slade wake up and run that I saw him so strength that when he punch the body of the person just crash the body of the enemy and get the heart.

In the Blast Radius episode where we all known that Roy harper also injected the Mirakuru that he survived in this a problem for as what Sarah said there will be a tendency when a Mirakuru is in the body of someone he/she cannot control himself and his mentally. In hoping that Roy will able to survived that thing and be part of Arrow. I saw it when Roy and Thea are kissing suddenly the glass was falling down to them a and Roy cover Thea which at the end Roy get the wounds and Roy was surprised that the wounds was rapidly regenerate that there is nothing happen to it.

In Arrow Season 2 Episode 11: Blind Spot. Laurel wants help of Oliver that she ask Arrow that to investigate Sebastian Blood. For we know that Oliver and Sebastian an just close, that Oliver doesn’t sure to believe her accusations in contradiction of the man he has publically supported for mayor, but decided to trust Laurel but at the end Sebastian also learns that laurel had an drug addiction and he expose to people and Laurel was arrested.

 In the meantime, Roy Harper exposed to Sin regarding his super strength and also his abilities. In also a flashback in the island that Sarah had a revelation to Oliver about secret about Laurel.

Arrow 2x11 Season 2 Episode 11 Extended Promo


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