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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Airing Date: January 15, 2014

Arrow is getting more interesting for some of the villains entered in the show which we all know we doesn’t expected that happen to him and what is the reason why he don’t want Oliver Queen exposed him as the Vigilante or Arrow, the person that we talking about is Slade Wilson or Deathstroke who in the mid-season finale we discover the Mirakuru which it was a serum tested on several criminals by Sebastian Blood’s organization. Blast Radius is the tenth episode of Arrow Season 2 which will due on January 15, 2014 only at

According to Anthony Ivo on the episode entitled “Keep Your Enemies Closer”, the “Mirakuru was a serum that had an effects to improve the strength and rapid cell generation which this Mirakuru created by the Japanese during the World War 2 for they had an objective that time to create a super soldiers.

Mirakuru was been tested also in several men that at the end they cannot take their body and found died and also there will be an possibility that if someone person take the serum she/he will be survived and obtained the strength and regeneration and I cannot imagine right not that we all know that Roy Harper recover that situation after the Mirakuru was inject top him, that I though he will die but he survived for the next episode where the title episode that Arrow will sneak to Roy top guide him and whatever he will do and discover that he increased they strength.
I know you are interested with this Mirakuru and myself also getting excited to this serum. So, here is the short trivia in dc world It seems that Blood wishes to use it to make criminals into "something else", or possibly force them to obey him (hence his statement made to Xavier Reed if he was "ready to serve" before administering him with the drug).

In I know you are shock that Oliver Queen friend in the island is now the main antagonist in this season 2. For we saw him in the mid-season finale when Oliver had a short hallucination that he saw Slade. In this the shocking thing happen for in the present time Slade was still alive meaning to say Slade is survived in the island for he was the leader of the Blood Cult, allowing Sebastian Blood to use the Mirakuru from his blood and make more and more.

In Arrow Season 2 Episode 10: Blast Radius. In this episode Oliver will face another treat in the starling city for unknown person planned the bomb. Felicity will taught the person setting them off which was Mark Scheffer, which this man also known as Shrapnel. In Arrow discover that Shrapnel next target in Sebastian Blood’s “Unity Rally”. Diggle had a mission which to track down where is the bombs. In the Meantime Roy still hide his new strength from Thea, however after she witness his supers strength in the rally he wanted to find an answer of this. Laurel's doubts about Sebastian grow stronger when she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Quentin's partner. Later on Donner refuses to help her examine, she turns to The Arrow for assistance

Arrow 2x10 Promo "Blast Radius"


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