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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Airing Date: November 12, 2013

We are happy that once gain the group was complete for Coach was back fro he had never change which is he was expert of ladies and the reason why he came back is girlfriend break-up with him. That Nick get the prior noticed where Coach wanted to hang out them. Jess, and Nick immediately get enthusiastic. They’re astonished when Schmidt stops in and takes more stuff from the loft. He tells them Coach invited him along as well.

As what I said earlier the reason why Coach back in the town for the reason he broke up with his girlfriend which now his ex-girlfriend. For Jess was excited that Coach was back Jess was excited to see Coach again but unexpectedly Coach doesn't remember her at all, but Jess wanted to flashback that both of them enjoying watching the TV, having lived together for two weeks.. In Coach said I was alone that night.

In because Coach was a party goer he invited Nick, Schmidt and Winston to have a good time that they will go to a strip club with the guys, In Jess is less than encouraged. Nick whipped to which he answers that they haven’t had the boyfriend/girlfriend argument. Nice job Nick. Coach is clearly a ghastly influence on Nick! We've never seen Jess this offended before.

In because Jess wanted to prove to nick that she can able be enjoy deprived of him that she call Cece in the bar, Cece said to Jess that if Nick was just playing a games she could not make him invidious. Jess tells to Cece that she meet a guy named Artie who gave him a phone number in the coffee shop.

Back in the bar when Winston, Nick and Schmidt figure out how to get out of this situation. Smack fight follows exclusive the cab though Coach acts strange outdoor of it.

At the end Jess conclude that everything that she done to make jealous Nick was not a good decision where thanks to Cece she admitted why she hate boys is because she had a personal problem what Schmidt done to him. When Nick comes home Cece flops to keep him distracted. Luckily, Nick considers her when she says she nobody was working to happen.

In the next episode of New Girl Season 3 Episode 8: Menus.  Where Nick, Jess and Coach cannot control themselves buying the Chinese food when an overabundance of menus are left at the loft’s in front door especially Nick.

When Jess desperately wanted to get the menu she had to do to track down who’s been the person leave the menus that will lead to her and Winston to confront the restaurant owner, who come to the point Jess is able to obtained to come to some sort of agreement.

In the meantime Coach decided to train Nick to get him to a shape with the help of Schmidt. With Nick’s help, Jess finds a way to take her students on a field trip to the beach…where poor Winston conclusions up attainment buried in the sand by her students. Schmidt helps Winston after he hurts his ankle.

Check it out New Girl 3x08 Season 3 Episode 8 Menus Promotional Photos


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