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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Airing Date: November 6, 2013

“League of Assassins” is the upcoming episode of Arrow Season 2, the reason why the title episode is League of Assassins is because we will find out about new villain and also The Canary group which former member is Malcolm Merlyn and the leader of this group is Ra's al Ghul, Al-Owal is s a scimitar-wielding assassin and member of the League of Assassins. That he had an weapon called Scimitar: Al-Owal can proficiently wield a scimitar, and is his weapon of choice.

In last episode we had an shocking revelation about the true identity of The Canary, who in Cruiciable Felicity notice why always The Canary appeared when Laurel was involved in the scene, who Oliver jump into the conclusion to catch The Canary to discover her identity and the reason why she follow Laurel. In when The Canary guard Laurel an Arrow appeared and The Canary run to escape Arrow but Arrow was a brilliant that he had an secret traps surely captured The Canary and it was Arrow accomplish that he captured The Canary. Oliver unmask her that Oliver face was so shocked to see the face, this leads to Oliver catching her to learn her identify. Oliver unmasks her and is shocked to discover that she is Sara. Sara run because of her device that was not just an sonic wave but also an small bomb and that is the treason why Sara escape.

Oliver was still in shock to what he discover, back in the lair Oliver reveals that The Canary was Sarah Lance to Diggle and Felicity that Oliver lied about the death of Sara, Felicity join the conversation that Sara Lance, was Laurel youngest sister and also your ex.

I just saw for the first time Sara Lance soft side that she was still in the place depressed that no one of her family knows that she was still alive and still I am thinking what is the reason why Sara )The Canary) back in Starling City, except her family duty to protect.

In earlier life, during Sara Lance high school years that she was been bullied of her classmate for the reason is stealing on of her classmate's boyfriends. The often occurrences of her getting bullied caused behavior issues from Sara, and her grades to drop. This led to her father teaching her and Laurel how to defend themselves.

Arrow Season 2 Episode 5: League of Assassins. When Oliver noticed the Canary's wounds, who Oliver wanted to talk to him about the wounds where she get that but she refuse to talk about it. Meanwhile, after Oliver and Canary are been attacked at the Queen mansion by trained killer from the League of Assassins, who she confesses what she was clink with this nefarious group.

Moira facing the multiple counts of murder and confederacy for her part in the devastation of The Glades. In the Assistant District Attorney offers a choice a plead guilty now to avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea begs her mother to fight for her life but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. In the meantime, Oliver is furious with Laurel for connection the action at law squad on his mother's case
Check it out Arrow Season 2 Episode 5: League of Assassins l PROMO


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