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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

 Airing Date: October 30, 2013

Crucible is the next episode of Arrow Season 2, Now why the title episode of Crucible? according to wikipedia container that can withstand very high temperatures and is used for metal, glass, and pigment production as well as a number of modern laboratory processes. While crucibles historically were usually made from clay, Which we will expecting more actions and also revelation who i am still cliffhanger to what happen in the island in also looking forward that Arrow will erase his identity as the murderer but i know Arrow wast trying to fade that tag-line of him.

To those who like to spoil here's an fresh spoiler thanks to spoilerguide who there is another character will enter in this season that he will not appear only one episode but twice for first episode that he will appear was "Crucible" and next is episode 6 entitled "Keep Your Enemy Closer". CW had no specific information for this newest character and we will have no idea what is the reason why he was in Starling City just stay tuned to further information about his character. Daid Nyki will playing the role of "Anatoli Knyazev" that he will be appear on October 30, 2013 only at New the questioned is is Anatolli will played as a hero or a villain?

I just love Arrow 2.0 for the reason is he was not killing people anymore that he just let the authority of the police will able to caught them and face the justice not by his hands. Which it build a whole fresh set of the problems when you're trying to have a secret identity and clean up the streets. Which how can you stop someone bad guy if you not gonna kill him for that all h known? It build a whole fresh subset of problems for us on the show for the reason is these citizen of staling city who Oliver interacts with come out the otherwise alive band thus can talks what Stephen Amell said and the interview.

Now in Arrow Season 2 Episode 4: Crucible. Who Oliver will found out a man named "The mayor" for he is the reason why an illegal guns come to Glades, for Oliver had an plan which he will sponsor's a "Cash for Gunsthat can help the people in the city. However, an unexpected thing happen that The Mayor crashes the vent with his gang and Black canary friend "Sin" had injured major. In that's the reason why The canary was angry to revenge. In the meantime Felicity astonished Oliver with a bit of the true identity of the canary, Donner invites Laurel for a dinner, finally John will reconnects with an old friend that Oliver doesn’t know about it.

Check it out Arrow Season 2 Episode 4: Crucible - PROMO


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